Feb 13

Decentralised Heat Recovery Ventilation – TANGRA EVB School

  • February 13, 2024

What is necessary for good education for children? Productive and sustainable learning system, ambitious and caring parents, well-prepared and motivated teachers, cosy, bright classrooms, and last, but not least – comfortable microclimate conditions! What are the advantages of heat recovery...

Dec 10

Bulgarian market leader TANGRA joins Eurovent

  • December 10, 2018

Bulgarian market leader TANGRA joins Eurovent Europe’s HVACR industry sector association further expands its reach in Eastern Europe Brussels, Sofia, 12 November 2018. The manufacturer TANGRA – specialised in the field of ventilation, air conditioning and heating equipment – has...

Nov 14

Not 10, but 12 Reasons to Choose Air Handling Units TANGRA AHU

  • November 14, 2018

Standard modular air handling units with air flow between 3500m3/h. up to 70 000m3/h. Air handling units TANGRA AHU are produced as standard ventilation solutions with air flow between 3500m3/h and 70 000m3/h. Air handling units sections can be arranged to fit...

Apr 28

Machine building in Bulgaria. TANGRA is expanding on new markets.” Interview for Capital newspaper with Dipl. Eng. July Armianov, owner of TANGRA and member of the board of Bulgarian Chamber of Machine Building

  • April 28, 2016

Paris, 1998. International Exhibition on Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning. “An exhibitor at the stall of a Belgian company noticed my interest and asked: “Sir, do you know what this is?”. I replied: “Yes, I do. We have been producing heat...

Mar 2

TANGRA Designed And Executed The ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems in the newest office building of the largest Bulgarian Bank

  • March 2, 2016

At the end of 2015 TANGRA’s team completed the ventilation, heating and air conditioning installations in new administrative building, located near the tunnel at the “Pencho Slaveykov” blvd. in Sofia. It is the second stage of a private investment, intended...

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