Nov 14

Not 10, but 12 Reasons to Choose Air Handling Units TANGRA AHU

  • November 14, 2018

Standard modular air handling units with air flow between 3500m3/h. up to 70 000m3/h. Air handling units TANGRA AHU are produced as standard ventilation solutions with air flow between 3500m3/h and 70 000m3/h. Air handling units sections can be arranged to fit...

Mar 3

Energy efficient HVAC systems for maintenance microclimate

  • March 3, 2016

During the second half of 2015 TANGRA completed the installations of Abrites OOD’s administrative and production building in Sofia. The production plant will be specialized in the assembling of electronic modules. The design and building assignment involved heating, ventilation and...

Feb 15

TANGRA presented the new series of frequency inverters TANGRA FI

  • February 15, 2016

The frequency inverters are increasingly used in ventilation, air conditioning and heating. According to international studies, between 65% and 70% of electricity is consumed by building asynchroned drives on fans and pumps with constant speed. The design of systems for...

Jul 21

Air handling units TANGRA AHU – guarantee for the air quality!

  • July 21, 2015

Modern buildings are better and better thermally insulated and the joinery (of the windows and doors) – more and more tightly closed. Naturally the association with a thermos arises where the coffee is hot and aromatic, even after 12 hours....

May 28

What is an air curtain and what are its advantages?

  • May 28, 2015

When we were children, we thought: when we be led in TZUM (Central Department Store) to play with the air at the entrance. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about – I am speaking for air curtains in the antechambers...

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