What is necessary for good education for children?
Productive and sustainable learning system, ambitious and caring parents, well-prepared and motivated teachers, cosy, bright classrooms, and last, but not least – comfortable microclimate conditions!
What are the advantages of heat recovery ventilation in schools?
A Danish study indicated that math problems could be solved up to 14% faster and more efficiently in a better microclimate.
The study also shows socio-economic effects of ventilation in schools like fewer illnesses and absences, both for children and for teachers.
The scientists also calculated that investments in improving the microclimate in schools and kindergartens have an effect, as in the present time – less money from the budget for treatment and absence due sickness, and in the long run, because students remember more and are more successful as adults, resulting in higher state GDP.
Why in schools and kindergartens, ventilation systems with energy-saving should be installed?
The answer is simple – fresh filtered air largely prevents the spread of viruses and provide better microclimate for children and teachers.
The team of TANGRA has been working for over 10 years on decentralized energy-saving ventilation units in schools and kindergartens across Europe. The company’s devices are installed in educational buildings in Portugal, Czech Republic, Poland, and Switzerland. Based on the experience and the need for fresh and filtered air, especially where it matters the most – for our children, we have created a range of devices for decentralized ventilation.
TANGRA EVB School units provide fresh, filtered, and temperature-controlled air to a room without the need for additional ventilation components (ductwork, ventilation grilles, etc.). They can be equipped with an air quality sensor. The fresh air is automatically regulated based on the occupants’ needs while monitoring parameters for maximum energy efficiency.
TANGRA EVB School offers exceptional freedom to investors, owners, facility managers, architects, and HVAC equipment installers. The range include 3 models with airflow from 150m3/h up to 1000m3/h:
TANGRA EVB School H for horizontal installation, under windowsill;
TANGRA EVB School V for vertical installation, as stand-alone unit;
TANGRA EVB School CL for Ceiling installation.
All units are equipped with counter-flow plate heat exchanger TANGRA REC HiE with efficiency above 79% and certified by Eurovent.
Units in production
TANGRA EVB School H/V/CL are designed in accordance with VDI 6040: Even only 1 unit can provide the necessary fresh and filtrated air in classroom with 25 children, in order to maintain the СО2 concentration below 1000ррм.
The team of TANGRA is entirely at your disposal for any advices and consultations on using selection the software or on making the right design decisions for ventilation systems. Technical data sheets for HRUs or AHUs, Mollier h-x diagrams, and DWG files will be provided to HVAC designers and partners.