In January 2013 TANGRA complete the reconstruction of ventilation systems of the swimming pool in “Belmeken”. The sports complex Belmeken is located at almost 2000m above the sea level in the beautiful mountain Rila near to dam Belmeken. The alpine sport complex provides all year round sport conditions for hundreds of Bulgarian and foreign athletes and tourists.
The energy costs optimization and the increasing of energy efficiency class of the swimming complex with the limited budget, were the major aims for TANGRA’s team in swimming pools reconstruction.
The ventilation system is fully renewed through mounting the air handling unit with heat recovery TANGRA AHU-REC, which allows utilization of more than 50% of the energy from the exhaust air. The system allows removal of water vapor and does not prevent blurring and condensation in the premise.
Preliminary assessment of the building showed that it is cover energy class “F” for energy consumption. Thanks to TANGRA, the swimming pool in “Belmeken” now covers energy class “B”. Incorporated high quality energy efficient products create a potential for reducing the energy costs of the complex with 70% and TANGRA team is happy with the good work and improvements in the project.