Apr 22

Energy saving heat recovery with air conditioning TANGRA EVB DEX

  • April 22, 2014

Energy saving heat recovery with air conditioning TANGRA EVB DEX

The systems for heat recovery with heat pump incorporated module TANGRA EVB DEX are designed for ventilation and air conditioning of houses, offices, commercial buildings, restaurants and disco clubs.

Energy saving heat recovery air conditioning systems are compact units that do not need external piping or additional source of energy. The high level of efficiency and heat recovery are guaranteed by the two step of recuperation. The first step is passive heat recovery from plate heat exchanger TANGRA REC AL/AL+ and the secon step isthe incorporated heat pump module with inverter compresor and smooth regulation. The range covers air volume from 800m3/h. up to 2600m3/h. and external pressure 300Ра. The energy saving heat recovery units with air conditioning work with 100% fresh air up to -150С.


To download the technical brochure of the heat recovery with air conditioning systems TANGRA EVB DEX, please click here






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