Nov 20

Heating with pellets!- First official event

  • November 20, 2012

The winter is already at your door. There are many ways for heating, but the aim of this event is to show alternative ways of heating.

We would like to pay attention to wood biomass and to give some more information about advantages and price comparison, the way of supplying pellets and the equipment for heating with pellets.

We would like to invite you to the first official event “Heating with pellets”. Our purpose is this event to become annually.

The event will be held on 11.12.2012  at 16:00pm at TANGRA’s  building at 174 Europe Blvd. 

The program will include:

• Demonstration of manufacturing of pellet boilers “TANGRA”

• Presentation of the new pellet boiler “TANGRA” – 80KW

• Discussion: “Pellets like material  For heating”

• Demonstration of the whole range of units for burning of biomass

• Drinks and time for questions


      Please to send us acknowledgment for your presence at news@tangra.bg or on Tel. 02 / 925 13 25. 

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