Dec 3

The European Parliament endorsed the 2030 guidelines in terms of energy efficiency and renewable energies

  • December 3, 2018
The European Parliament endorsed the 2030 guidelines in terms of energy efficiency and renewable energies
  • 32.5% increase in energy efficiency by 2030
  • Renewable energy sources should be 32% of all energy consumed by 2030
  • Initiatives to reuse of biofuels

On November 13, 2018, The European Parliament has voted on the new requirements of the legislative documents in the Clean Energy for All European package. Part of the documents are the requirements of the Energy Efficiency Directive and the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.

In the vote, non-binding targets for Member States were approved, such as increasing energy efficiency to 32.5%, and mandatory – the share of renewable energy to reach at least 32% of the EU’s gross final consumption by 2030. There is a re-examination and renewal of the targets in 2023, examining the implementation of the Europe 2020 Energy Efficiency Directive, but the targets can only be maintained or increased without looking for a reduction.

One of the main goals of the Clean Energy for All European package is to reduce the dependency of EU member states on external gas and oil suppliers as well as to raise EU climate change targets. Each Member State must present a ten-year integrated national energy and climate plan together with national targets and measures for the next 10 years by 31 December 2019 at the latest.

The lower energy costs of each user and the right of everyone to be a renewable self-sufficient consumer.

When increasing energy efficiency, the energy bills of every European will decrease. In addition, the European Union will reduce its dependence on external oil and gas suppliers, improve air quality and protect the climate.

With the new Directive, it is for the first time obliging Member States to put in place concrete measures for energy efficiency in favor of those affected by energy poverty.

EU Member States must also ensure that citizens have the right to generate energy from renewable sources for their own consumption, store it and sell surplus production. This will improve the efficiency of each country’s energy mix.

Switching to “second generation” biofuels.

Second-generation biofuels can play a significant role in reducing the carbon footprint of transport. According to the EU, at least 14% of transport fuel must be produced from renewable sources by 2030.

Although first-generation biofuels are at high risk of ‘non-direct use of agricultural land’ (which increases CO2 emissions), the EU’s renewable energy targets and the use of second-generation biofuels by 2030, are clear. From 2019. the contribution of first-generation biofuels should be phased out until it reaches 0% in 2030.

Source: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20181106IPR18315/energy-new-ambitious-targets-on-renewables-and-energy-efficiency

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