Oct 29
  • October 29, 2013

Heat recovery energy saving ventilation TANGRA EVB HiE

The new catalogue of “High Efficiency Energy Saving Ventilation TANGRA EVB HiE”  

What is new:

– The product range is increased with two new models and covers air volume from 250m3/h. up to 4400m3/h. and efficiency of 85%.

– The heat recovery units can be produced as monoblock, but also as module units. This allows easy mounting on bigger units.

– The whole range of energy saving ventilation is available in horizontal and vertical installation.

The heat recovery in ventilation systems is exceptionally important and profitable investment. A graph that shows difference between systems with energy saving is placed in the new catalogue. It shows the initial investment and payback period in life cycle of 10 years. The payback period can vary between 1 and 3 years, while for the rest 7 or 9 years, You save between 50 and 80% of the needed energy for heating or cooling. Also on the graph bellow is shown the annual energy expenses. The energy saving effect of High Efficient Heat recovery Ventilation TANGRA EVB HiE is clear.

Energy saving Heat recovery Ventilation Energy costs

The high efficiency heat recovery ventilation TANGRA EVB HiE is available with tow types of fans. As a standard the units are produced with АС centrifugal fans, according to ERP 2015 directive. On request, the units are available with high efficient ЕС fans, which additionally helps saving energy. They are controlled 0-10V.

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To download the new catalogue of high efficiency heat recovery ventilation TANGRA EVB HiE, please click “here”

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